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Due to the current restrictions imposed by the different government authorities to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus, all activities of the Cadet Organization across the province are suspended for the next 3 weeks.

Consequently, all cadet training activities at 338 Squadron have been cancelled since March 13, 2020 and will remain as such until further notice.

We will continue to monitor the situation and to keep our cadets and their parents updated with the evolution of the situation. Any changes will be communicated via our facebook closed group and web site message page. We invite you to continue following our social medial and web page announcements to remain in touch with the available information when we are instructed to resume our cadet training activities.

In the event that a cadet is infected with COVID-19 virus, we are asking parents to notify the squadron commanding officer at: This information will be required by our Regional Support Cadet Unit in order to assess risks and to help local health organizations to ensure proper follow up with each reported case.

Thank you very much for your understanding. We sure hope that all cadets and their family will remain safe and healthy. Looking forward to seeing you as soon as we are granted permission to resume our normal activities.

Major S. Castonguay CD

Commanding officer

338 Junior Wildcats Squadron Brossard Optimist

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