Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
We gathered some of the most frequent questions parents have been asking us. However if you have not found answer to your question here, do not hesitate to drop us a message in the Contact tab of this web site. We will be happy to answer your questions as soon as possible.
At what age can I become a cadet?
A teenager must be at least 12 years old to be allowed to join the cadet program and not to exceed the age of 18. Once you are 19 years old, if you want to remain active with the cadet program and pass on to others your great experience, you can become a volunteer civilian instructor or a cadet instructor cadre officer.
What is the cost?
In principle, there is no cost to join the cadet program. The cadet mandatory and complementary program is funded by the Department of National Defence. However, the air cadet league provincial committee is asking an annual membership fee for each cadet in order to support their annual operations. This annual membership fee is paid by our annual L'auto Cadets fund raising campaign or other fund raising event that all cadets have to participate because this is how we fund our optional program as well.
What do Cadets do?
Air Cadets are boys and girls aged between 12 to 18 who participated to instructional activities within an Air Cadet Squadron within their community. The activities our cadets participate are leisure activities designed to help them gain self confidence, to develop their leadership abilities, improve their physical fitness and their communication skills but also to improve their personal discipline through challenging activities that look like what the Canadian military is doing.
Why would I be a cadet?
Becoming a cadet is a great opportunity to take on challenges, make friends and live fantastic adventures locally or in the various summer training centres. It is a wonderful opportunité to broaden your horizon, become a better citizen and to develop long lasting friendship. Many adults that have been part of the cadet program will confirm that Beaucoup d’anciens cadets estiment que leur participation au programme leur a donné une longueur d’avance et les a poussés à mener de brillantes carrières.
Is the cadet program a new program?
No, the cadet program is not a new thing. It is in fact one of the oldest youth program offered to all Canadians. The cadet program goes back to 1862. In 1879, the Army Cadets corps were created followed by the sea cadet corps in 1895. The first Air Cadet squadrons started to appear in 1941. Girls were allowed to join the cadet program in 1975. Today more than 30% of cadets in Canada are girls.