Dear parents,
ALL cadets MUST complete the on-line registration to confirm if they will attend or not one of the cadet summer training course. The cadets listed below have not yet completed the on-line registration tool and must do it no later than February 15, 2019. Follow this link to access the summer camps on-line registration tool:
Aasem Yanis
Alfahad Jacob-Mahmoud
Antalis Nikolaos
Atia Lamair
Bachkangi Eleny Teresa
Ben Salah Anass
Blanchette Noah
Bouriel Mohamed Yessine
Bouriel Rayan
Chang Lulu
Chen Hena
Cho Su Bin
Chung Mui Cheung Henna Jehan
Cuba Canales Darlyn
Diop Amadou Alioune
Du Lightning Yue
Duran Joseph
Espinal Sophia Elem
Ghoreishi Ryan
Hal Houssine Amir
Hiscock William
Hu Gavin
Jaouhari Ziad-Aiman
Jerebtov Alexandru
Lavigne Julie
Li Sherry
Li Vito
Li Wen Bin
Long Derek
Luger Logan
Ma Andrew
Meng Qing
Mo Kai Shi
Moulla Ryan
Movva Anirudh
Mustafayeva Tarana
Nguyen Thi Y Loi
Nguyen Tristan
Nguyen Van Dia Lap
Oliverio Ella
Perdomo Lozada Laura Sofia
Reva Markel
Shi Leonard
Suarez Bastardo José Gabriel
Tamara Youssef
Tang Wei Lun
Tawadros George
Théau Alistair
Tian Kevin
Tran Ngoc Minh
Tran Ngoc Thao Nguyen
Wang Danyang
Wang Kevin
Wang Xixi
Wei Sophia
Wilson Victoria
Wu Alessandra
Wu Bill Tong
Wu Giulia
Yakymenko Dmytro
Yang Jonathan
Yung Patrick
Zhang Gary
Zhao Guang Hui