Each Junior Wildcats cadet had to turn in the money and coupons for their first 48 tickets by Friday November 23, 2018.
As of today, 68 out of 128 registered cadets (53%) have met the first milestone and performance objective for this fund raising campaign.
The fund raising campaign is making good progress with 4512 tickets sold and a remaining 4444 tickets in circulation. It is a collective effort and we are counting on each cadet's commitment to make this campaign successful.
The cadets listed below have not yet turned in the money and coupons for their first 48 tickets sold. Those cadets will be given an extension until our final sales Blitz (Saturday December 1, 2018). This is your last chance to meet the first milestone and to make your flight successful in the race for the top flight for our fund raising campaign.
After the December 1st final blitz, those cadets who have not turned in the money and coupons of their first 48 sold tickets will not be authorized to participate into our optional activity program (Band, Drill team, Marksmanship, Cadet Reporter, Intro to Aerospace, etc). At that time, parents will be advised that their guarantee deposit will be cashed in to cover the money required for the 48 tickets ($80).
List of cadets who need to turn in the money and coupons of their first 48 l'Auto Cadets tickets:
Name First name
Atia Lamair
Blanchette Nathanael
Blanchette Noah
Bouriel Mohamed Yessine
Bouriel Rayan
Cai Andy
Cai Lucia
Carreno Daniel
Chang Denise
Chang Lulu
Cho Su Bin
Chung Mui Cheung Henna Jehan
Cuba Canales Darlyn
Du Lightning Yue
Guan Steven
Hal Houssine Amir
Huang Max Chen
Jerebtov Alexandru
Jiang Jack
Kravchenko Mykola
Kuang Jason
Lan Helen Zijun
Li Sherry
Li Vito
Li Wen Bin
Lin Cynthia
Liu Elly
Liu Yi Chen
Long Derek
Madsen Isaac
Meng Qing
Moulla Ryan
Mustafayeva Tarana
Osmani Rami
Rodriguez Torres Luis Alejandro
Su Vincent
Tang Wei Lun
Tawadros George
Tian Kevin
Tran Ngoc An
Tran Ngoc Minh
Tran Ngoc Thao Nguyen
Wang Danyang
Wang Xixi
Wu Bill Tong
Yakymenko Dmytro
Yakymenko Ilya
Yang Jonathan
Ye Flora
Yu Mia
Yung Patrick
Zhang Chelsea
Zhang Gary
Zhang Hanbert
Zhao Alyssa
Zhao Zi Yue