Dear parents and cadets,
Each year our squadron conduct some fund raising campaigns in order to support our squadron local optional activities and other elements that are not funded by the National Defence allocations to local cadet units.
For this first Fund Raising campaign, ALL registered cadets are expected to join our semi-annual fund raising campaign. Because of the current situation related to COVID-19, we will be conducting a digital fund raising event which will require each cadet to solicit electronically friends or relatives by e-mail or via their favorite social media platform. This way, nobody has to go from door to door and expose themselves to cold weather and viruses.
Essentially, cadets will be contacting friends and relatives via our digital fund raising partner's platform by simply entering their e-mail address. Upon reception, the people you will be soliciting will have access to a catalog with a large variety of local products they can purchase to encourage you in achieving your fund raising campaign goal. Their orders and payment will be collected by our digital fund raising platform. At the end of the campaign, the products they purchased will be delivered to your place for distribution at their home address.
The fund raising campaign will be launched on Friday February 12, 2021 and will end on February 28, 2021. Each cadet will have an objective to collect orders totalling a minimum of $100.00. Cadets and parents will be provided with more specific instructions via e-mail and our web site on Friday night.
In preparation for the campaign launch, we suggest that you start contacting your relatives to give them a heads up on the campaign and also to obtain their e-mail address because you will need this to forward them the link required to access our fund raising campaign catalog.
Stay tuned for more information to be distributed on Friday night.
Mrs Leonie Fem
338 Squadron Sponsoring Committee
Major Sylvain Castonguay CD
Commanding Officer
338 Junior Wildcats Squadron
Brossard Optimist