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The following cadets have an expired RAMQ medical insurance card on their cadet file. Each of those cadets must provide a copy of their new RAMQ medical insurance card. You can drop by the squadron office on Wednesday nights or e-mail a picture of your valid card to :

  • Mo Kai Shi /// Card Expired since 153 days!

  • Espinal Sophia Elem ///Card Expired since 102 days

  • Wang Xixi /// Card expired since 101 days

  • Madsen Isaac /// Card expired since 39 days

  • Chiu Emily /// Card expired since 2 days

The following cadets will soon have an expired RAMQ medical insurance card on their cadet file. Please provide us with a photocopy or picture your new valid card upon reception. Same procedure as previous paragraph to give us your new card information. In person to squadron admin office on wednesday nights or via e-mail.

  • Nguyen Van Dia Lap /// Will expire in: 1 day

  • Ngyuen Thi Y Loi /// Will expire in:In 1 day

  • Cuba Canales Darlyn /// Will expire in:In 9 days

  • Diop Amadou Alioune /// Will expire in:In 18 days

  • Yung Patrick /// Will expire in:in 18 days

  • Long Derek /// Will expire in:In 20 days

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