Here is the list of 338 cadets confirmed for the Taekwon-do activity.
Dress: Sports clothing with Squadron Blue T-Shirt mandatory.
If you are not on-time, you will be excluded from the activity.
(Keep in mind that we still have 4 cadets on the waiting list for this activity and they would love to take your place for the rest of the sessions)
GROUP A: 13:00 to 14:30
Benedetti Giancarlo Chiang Hsing Cheng Li-Shen Melissa Liu Rong Hao Su Vincent Tang Wei Lun Zhang Micheal Zhao Guang Hui Zhong Davis
GROUP B: 14:30 - 15:30
Blanchette Nathanael Cai Lucia Chen Hena Khare Aradhya Nguyen Thi Y Loi Nguyen Van Gia Lap