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LEVEL 4 ACTIVITY: Scavenger Hunt & Nerf Gun Battle

  • Who: Level 4 cadets

  • When: Saturday, March 4, 8AM - 4PM

  • Where: Marie-Victorin Community Centre

  • Dress: Civilian outfit with squadron t-shirt. Dress warmly as you will spend some time outdoor.

Make sure to bring a cold lunch, bring a pair of clean indoor shoes in a bag and arrive on time! The washrooms at MVCC will not be accessible before the departure.

Here's the list of registered cadets:

  1. Ayman Ahmed

  2. Christopher Ainajian

  3. Arman Azimi

  4. Santoosh Balasingam

  5. Alessandro Benedetti

  6. Andy Chang

  7. Jeff Chiu

  8. Vista Dehnadi

  9. Christopher Di Santo

  10. Arwa El Alaoui

  11. Anhad Farwaha

  12. Ivan Léon Fossi Talom

  13. Yanis Ibersiene

  14. Jasim Khodabux

  15. Zhao-you andrew Lee

  16. Lucas Li

  17. Ricky Li

  18. Emily Lu

  19. Clarissa Ma

  20. Richard Mou

  21. Diego Perdomo

  22. Marie St-Georges

  23. Georgina Tawadros

  24. Brenna Tetley

  25. William Toy

  26. Arnelle Wafo

  27. Irina Wang

  28. Nicole Xie

  29. Chelsea Zhang

  30. Wen Bo Zhang

  31. Wen Qi Zhang

  32. Jason Zhu

  33. Daniel Zu


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