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In preparation for tomorrow's annual validation and registration activity at Marie Victorin Community Center (790 Victor Hugo Avenue in Brossard) you will find attached the timings at which you are expected. (Open PDF file)

As a reminder, each cadet must come with at least one parent to sign the annual validation form and other documents required. We have been informed that the vaccination passport will be in force to enter the city of Brossard facilities starting only on September 15th. Cadets who did not get their vaccination passport will be accepted for this event.

All other public health protection measures (mask + 1 m distance) will be enforced for this event. Please be on time for your allocated timings to ensure a smooth annual validation process in this challenging circumstances.

Cadet dress for this event

Cadets who received their green Field Training Uniform (FTU) have to wear it with the squadron's ball cap for this activity. Cadets who did not get their FTU have to wear civilian clothing with the Squadron's blue T-Shirt (with logo).

Cadets who have uniform parts to exchange will be able to do it on site during the validation. Simply bring what does not fit anymore and we will try to find the new size you need or order it. Any uniform part to be exchanged must be freshly washed and dried prior to the exchange.

Cadets who decided to quit the program and that could not come this week for returning their uniform will be allowed to do so on Sunday as well.

Looking forward to see you all on Sunday Sept 12th!


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