338 SQUADRON WEEKLY MESSAGE (SEPT 11 - Sept 18, 2023)
IT SUPPORT HUB Need tech help or have questions about your squadron account? Reach out to our IT team at itsupport@338squadron.ca.
ADMINISTRATION Calling all new recruits! We're open and eager to assist with new registrations and any inquiries you have! Where: Marie Victorin Community Center When: Tuesday, September 12 (19:00 - 21:00) New recruits, this is your opportunity to join our squadron. Got queries? Contact us at administration@338squadron.ca.
SUPPLY In case you need to exchange your uniform Where: Marie Victorin Community Center When: Tuesday, September 12 (19:00 - 21:00)
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 - SPORT NIGHT! SPORTS NIGHT Where: Antoine Brossard High School Who: Open to all cadets When: 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM Dress Code: Sport Dress with Squadron T-Shirt
UPCOMING EVENTS SEPTEMBER 22 - INSTRUCTIONAL NIGHT Where: Antoine Brossard High School Who: Everyone When: 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM
SEPTEMBER 24 - LEADERSHIP SEMINAR Where: Marie Victorin Community Center Who: All Level 5 completed cadets When: Details to be provided
Stay tuned for more exciting events and updates from 338 Squadron!
