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Here is the list of participants who confirmed their participation for the March 23, 2019 Helicopter Maintenance Training Facility in St-Hubert. Participants must form up at Marie Victorin Community center saturday morning at 09:00 with a cold lunch. Dress: Civilian clothing with Squadron blue T-Shirt mandatory.

Last name First name

  1. Aasem Yanis

  2. Ben Salah Anass

  3. Benedetti Giancarlo

  4. Blanchette Noah

  5. Bouriel Mohamed Yessine

  6. Bouriel Rayen

  7. Cai Andy

  8. Cai Lucia

  9. Carrillo Hayden Arturo

  10. Chan Elim Yung en

  11. Chang Denise

  12. Chang Lulu

  13. Chen Hena

  14. Chiang Hsing cheng max

  15. Chung Mui Cheung Henna

  16. Cuba Canales Darlyn

  17. Deng Kevin

  18. Dong Calvin

  19. Espinal Sophia

  20. Ghoreishi Rayan

  21. Hiscock William

  22. Huang David

  23. Jaouhari Ziad-Aïman

  24. Jiang Jack

  25. Khare Aradhya

  26. Kravchenko Mykola

  27. KungTsz Fung Mike

  28. Le Andy-Bao

  29. Li Lucas

  30. Li Ricky

  31. Li Simon

  32. Li-Shen Melissa

  33. Li Wen Bin

  34. Liu Elly

  35. Liu Rong Hao

  36. Lou Cathy

  37. Luo Carson

  38. Madsen Isaac

  39. Mbatkam Audra Nerys Shanesia

  40. Meng Qing

  41. MoKai Shi

  42. Morozova Yuliia

  43. Moustafa Hossam

  44. Movva Anirudh

  45. Nguyen Thi Y Loi

  46. Nguyen Tristan

  47. Nguyen Van Gia Lap

  48. Peng Dominic

  49. Perdomo Lozada Laura Sofia

  50. Pierro Kimly

  51. Shi Leonard

  52. St-Cyr Simon

  53. Su Qiana

  54. Su Vincent

  55. Théau Alistair

  56. Trujillo Moya Fernando Alberto

  57. Wang Xixi

  58. Wilson Victoria

  59. Wu Giulia

  60. Xie Ivan

  61. Xie Nicole

  62. Yang Ruihan

  63. Ye Jacky

  64. Ye Sherry

  65. Yin James

  66. Zhang Chelsea

  67. Zhang Gary

  68. Zhang Jin Wei

  69. Zhang Lawrence

  70. ZhangMichael

  71. ZhaoAlyssa

  72. ZhaoGuang hui

  73. ZhaoLily

  74. ZhaoZiyue

  75. ZhongDavis

  76. ZhuYijie

  77. ZhuYijun

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