The following cadets have not yet turned in a single sold L'auto cadets tickets. It is important that you bring back the sold tickets and money to the sponsoring committee as soon as you have a complete booklet sold.
Do not forget that our first milestone for this fund raising campaign is approaching very quickly. As a reminder ALL participating cadet MUST have sold their first 4 booklets and bring back the money of those sold tickets no later than November 23, 2018. All other cadets who have sold tickets but not their first 4 booklets must accelerate their ticket sale as well.
We held two ticket sale blitz to help you out selling your first 4 booklets. We now expect each cadet to fulfill their commitment and bring back the money and coupons for those 4 booklets sold

Atia Lamair
Bachkangi Eleny Teresa
Blanchette Nathanael
Blanchette Noah
Bouriel Mohamed Yessine
Bouriel Rayan
Cai Andy
Cai Lucia
Carreno Daniel
Carrillo Hayden-Arturo
Chan Elim Yung En
Chang Denise
Chang Lulu
Chung Mui Cheung Henna Jehan
Cuba Canales Darlyn
Dong Calvin
Du Lightning Yue
Guan Steven
Huang Max Chen
Jerebtov Alexandru
Kuang Jason
Lan Helen Zijun
Li Sherry
Li Vito
Li Wen Bin
Lin Cynthia
Liu Rong Hao
Long Derek
Ma Andrew
Meng Qing
Mo Kai Shi
Moustafa Hossam
Osmani Rami
Song Yi Fan
Su Vincent
Tamara Bassel
Tamara Youssef
Tang Wei Lun
Tran Ngoc An
Tran Ngoc Minh
Tran Ngoc Thao Nguyen
Wang Xixi
Wei Sophia
Wu Alessandra
Yang Jonathan
Ye Flora
Yu Mia
Yung Patrick
Zhang Chelsea
Zhang Gary
Zhang Hanbert
Zhang Michael
Zhao Alyssa
Zhao Guang Hui
Zhong Davis Haohao