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1. Summer camp

In addition to be being transported to camp round trip, fed and dressed during their summer training program, cadets who have been selected for a summer camp have will receive an instruction bonus.

  • 120$ for 2 weeks

  • 180$ for 3 weeks

  • 360$ for 6 weeks courses

This bonus will be paid to cadets by direct deposit only. Parents must provide us with a Cheque specimen from their account or the account of their child no later than May 23, 2018. Fill out the form attached to our Facebook weekly message post and bring it to CCMV on Wednesday nights or Antoine Brossard on Friday nights.

2. Annual review

If you have not yet confirmed your participation to the Annual review, please go on the squadron web site and do it promptly:…/2018-annual-review-final-parade. ALL cadets are expected to be present and they must confirm on line whether or not they will be present. Go on the suqadron web site now. It will take you no more than 1 minute to complete the on-line form.


WEDNESDAY May 16, 2018: -Admin & supply open from 19:00 to 21:00 for registration or uniform part exchanges.

FRIDAY May 18, 2018: Regular training night. Dress: Civilian clothing with squadron's blue T-Shirt mandatory.

SUNDAY MAY 20, 2018 AM - Music band practice CCMV 08:30 TO 12:30 Dress: Civilian clothing with Squadron's blue T-Shirt. PM - Music performance at Tournoi des Gouverneurs in the afternoon. Dress: Full uniform. Timings to be confirmed with Music officer.

* All other optional activities are on pause this week-end in order to give you a break before the annual review. Take advantage of this time to prepare your uniform.

UPCOMING ACTIVITIES - May 26, 2018 338 Squadron first Annual review parade - June 1, 2018 Annual Gala - June 3, 2018 Glider familiarization flight - June 8, 2018 Parent meeting for summer camp and election of our sponsoring committee members

Have a good week.

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Tel:  450-676-9357

Cel: 438-520-3382

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