Message to parents for the Ottawa Museum Tour activity scheduled Saturday March 10, 2018
This activity is part of the air cadet mandatory program. Cadets from all levels have to be present since the tours are linked to their instructional level objectives which leads to their level qualification.
Depending on their instruction level, they will tour Rideau Hall + War museum and or Canadian Parliament and Aviation & Space museum.
This is a full day trip. Cadets will need to bring a cold lunch. Supper will be provided after the tour on the way back from Ottawa.
Dress for this activity is civilian clothing with the squadron's blue T-shirt. No cadet uniform parts will be authorized for the tours.
Cadets must report to CCMV at 06:30 for a bus departure at 06:45.
Cadets have to register on the squadron's web site no later than March 4, 2018 to confirm their participation. Visit the squadron's web site or click on the following link to register:
Parents will be charged 35$ if their child who signed up fail to show up on departure since we need to purchase food, transport and entrance fees.