July 25 - CTC Departure
Dress: C3B (headdress, shirt, trousers, belts, boots, socks)
Things to bring: personal baggage, signed offer of participation, Direct Deposit Form with void cheque, CATO 16-04 Annex C (if you bring medication), Leave Authorization Form and medicare card.
The following cadets are expected at 8:00AM at École nationale d'aérotechnique (5555, Ch de la Savane, Saint-Hubert, QC, J3Y 8Y9):
Sophia Bendahmane
Andy Chang
Jennifer Gao
Lucas Li
Richard Mou
Ella Wen
Zi Fan Wu
Rui Han Yang
Emily Zeng
Chelsea Zhang
Jason Zhou
The following cadet is expected at 8:00AM at Edouard-Montpetit School (6200 Pierre-De Coubertin Avenue, Montréal, QC, H1N 1S4):
Theodoric Ng
