Distribution for slip-ons, shirts, decorations and more!
When: Saturday, April 3, 10AM-11AM
Where: Marie-Victorin Community Centre's parking (790 Av. Victor-Hugo, Brossard)
Who: All cadets in the updated list below (all level 4 and 5 cadets are invited)
How: Once you arrive,
Send a text message to 438-700-8902 stating the full name(s) of the cadet(s) you're picking items for and the color and model of the car you're in. (Ex. Cdt John Doe and Jane Doe, black Honda Civic)
DO NOT exit your car. Someone will come to you.
If you are getting new slip-ons, make sure to bring back your old ones.
*If you cannot make it, ask a member of your family or a friend to pick up your items.
List (added names are in bold):
1. Ahmed, Muhammad Ayman
2. Al-Amad, Amir
3. Azimi, Arman
4. Bachkangi, Eleny Teresa
5. Bachkangi, Gabriel
6. Benedetti, Alessandro
7. Briard, Gabriel
8. Bu, Yi Lin
9. Bu, Yi Man
10. Cai, Andy
11. Carrillo, Hayden-Arturo
12. Chan, Elim Yung En
13. Chang, Andy
14. Chang, Denise
15. Chen, Hena
16. Chiu, Emily
17. Chiu, Jeff
18. Chiu, Meggie
19. Chouinard, Sabrina
20. Chung Mui Cheung, Henna Jehan
21. Collin, Olivier
22. Deng, Kaien
23. Dong, Calvin
24. Du, Lightning Yue
25. Espinal, Sophia Elena
26. Fossi Talom, Ivan Leon
27. Gao, Jennifer
28. Gonzalez-Davila, Ezekiel
29. Gosselin, Mykevin
30. Grigoras, Eric
31. Hiscock, William
32. Huang, Max Chen
33. Jazouli, Adam
34. Khare, Aradhya
35. Kung, Tsz Fung Mike
36. Lee, Zhao-Yi Andrew
37. Li, Lucas
38. Li, Ricky
39. Lin, Cynthia
40. Long, Derek
41. Lou, Cathy
42. Lu, Emily
43. Ma, Clarissa
44. Ma, Edric
45. Maldonado Juarez, Samuel
46. Mbatkam, Audra
47. Mbatkam, Ryan James
48. Mego, Grâce-Camille
49. Moreno-Suarez, Sergio-Andres
50. Mou, Richard
51. Moustafa, Hossam
52. Ng Youn Chen, Megan
53. NG, Amelie
54. NG, Emelie
55. NG, Theodoric
56. Nguyen, Mei Si Sienna
57. Nguyen, Van Kiet Kelvin
58. Pang, Léna
59. Passmore, Cosmo-Roy
60. Pataky, Mark
61. Perdomo Lozada, Laura Sofia
62. Petrie, Thomas Alexandre
63. Podatharapu, Gowri Yadav
64. St-Cyr, Simon
65. Suarez Bastardo, Jose Gabriel
66. Tamara, Bassel
67. Tawadros, George
68. Tawadros, Georgina
69. Tchassem Loudjom, Marlyne Myriam
70. Théau, Alistair
71. Tran, Thiet Khai
72. Wafo Togueu, Mokam Arnelle Yvana
73. Wang, Danyang
74. Wang, Irina
75. Wang, Seanna
76. Wong, Lawrence
77. Xie, Nicole
78. Yang, Andrew Han Dong
79. Yang, Rui Hang
80. Ye, Sherry
81. Yung, Patrick
82. Zaman, Umair
83. Zeng, Emily
84. Zhang, Gary
85. Zhang, Hanbert
86. Zhang, Jin Wei
87. Zhou, Jason
88. Zhu, Jason
89. Zhu, Joyce
90. Zu, Daniel
