As a result of the requirement to ask for the vaccination passport to access our cadet activities we need to gather some key information in order to assess the impact of that important change.
Each cadet has been asked two weeks ago to fill out our local immunization survey but we still have a significant number of cadets who did not yet provide us the information!
If your name appears in the list below, you MUST follow this link and complete the survey no later than 17:00 on Friday December 17, 2021. If you have provided proof of vaccination in the past 3 weeks but did not complete this survey, you will not be authorized to enter the school on Friday.
Please take a moment to fill out the survey:
Level 1
Cdt Ivan Danov
Cdt Abdulrahman Fares
Cdt Kian Karimkhani
Cdt Maya Lu
Cdt Adam Madsen
Cdt Ines Nicole Myriam Nana
Cdt George Zhang
Level 2
Cpl Yi Man Bu
Cdt Yuxuan Chen
Cpl Ezekiel Gonzalez-Davila
LAC Dason Zeng
Level 3
Cpl Muhammad Ayman Ahmed
Cpl Arman Azimi
FCpl Jason Wen Jun Chen
FCpl Victor Wen Xi Chen
Cpl Hamza El-Moutamer
Cdt Yijie Fu
Cpl Gabriel Golovka
Cdt Lalla Malika Hajouji Idrissi
Cdt Xiaorui He
Cpl Ying Jiang
FCpl Ryan James Mbatkam
FCpl Megan Ng Youn Chen
FCpl Perry Dylan Nsangou
Cdt Joud Osmani
Cdt Shakir Noah Pierre
Cdt Raghav Sharma
Level 4
Cpl Gabriel Briard
Level 5
FSgt Isaac Madsen
FSgt José Gabriel Suarez Bastardo
FSgt Marlyne Myriam Tchassem Loudjom
WO2 Sabrina Chouinard
FSgt Audra Mbatkam
WO2 Sergio-Andres Moreno-Suarez
WO2 Sherry Ye
FSgt Jin Wei Zhang
