Hello all,
It's already then end of the 2019-2020 training year - make sure you don't miss out on the last content we'll be sharing before the start of the next training year in September!
It'S been fun sharing activities with you the past few weeks and we hope that you enjoyed as well.
Take care and have a good summer!
Do astronauts sleep upside down?
The first cadet who gets the right answer wins this week's challenge!
* Find the answers in the following links and send me the answer via ama@338squadron.ca!
*A brief summary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9vOoXU56KI
Here is a list of topics with a link to short articles and videos:
Sleeping in Space: https://www.nasa.gov/audience/foreducators/stem-on-station/ditl_sleeping
Working in Space: https://www.nasa.gov/audience/foreducators/stem-on-station/ditl_working
Exercising in Space: https://www.nasa.gov/audience/foreducators/stem-on-station/ditl_exercising
Hygiene in Space: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7zhdanccUvs
Free Time in Space: https://www.nasa.gov/audience/foreducators/stem-on-station/ditl_free_time
Morning Routine in Space: https://www.nasa.gov/audience/foreducators/stem-on-station/ditl_morning_routine
If you are extra curious, David St-Jacques Discusses Life in Space! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4QXogSiNZo8)
Bonus Challenge: Take a picture of yourself imitating one aspect of “life in space” and send it to your friends! (You can also send it to ama@338squadron.ca)
*Congratulations to last week's Helicopter challenge winner: Cdt Zu, Daniel!*

Hello everyone,
This week covers the possible careers in the CAF! As you know, there are three people who are part of the CAF who are in our squadron! Don't be afraid to ask Mcpl Fitzgibbon, Able Seaman Hiscock, and Aviator Castonguay about their experience in the CAF!
Since you are all air cadets, below is a list of possible careers in the aerospace domain within the CAF.
Air Weapons Systems Technician: https://forces.ca/en/career/air-weapons-systems-technician/
Aerospace Control Operator: https://forces.ca/en/career/aerospace-control-operator/
Aerospace Engineering Officer: https://forces.ca/en/career/aerospace-engineering-officer
Air Combat Systems Officer: https://forces.ca/en/career/air-combat-systems-officer/
Aerospace Telecommunication and Information Systems Technician: https://forces.ca/en/career/aerospace-telecommunication-and-information-systems-technician/
Aerospace Control Officer: https://forces.ca/en/career/aerospace-control-officer/
Aviation Systems Technician: https://forces.ca/en/career/aviation-systems-technician/

As a bonus, here is a simulation of a familiarization flight on a Griffon CH-146!
Which one of these jobs looks interesting? Answer the poll here! https://PollEv.com/free_text_polls/7z9iiNmxlDRLyIprY7TYa/respond
Hey level three cadet, the moment that you' ve been waiting for has finally arrived! Your aviation exam! You must receive your study guide by instagram / email. If you have not received it, please write me an email: jkctam@338squadron.ca Here are some rules for this exam. 1) You must write your real name (so I can identify you) 2) The duration of this examination is 45 min. 3) This is an open book exam. Here is the link for this exam : https://www.proprofs.com/quiz-school/story.php?title=mjcwnda1ngaply
Make sure you complete it by the end of the training year, next week.
Have a good one!
Last week we saw the parade procedures and how to behave as a Fsgt on parade - if you missed it, click the link below :
THIS WEEK : We begin planning for next year! :O
Take 2 minutes to fill this survey
The survey is here : https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=iwNvv0oOYEONMeXcPf61p2SgB9xuWlRBqCgEwN8FXrVUNEU5MDlLUlpCMDJXVjFDME1HS0lGMEQzRy4u
LAST WEEK TO COMPLETE THE AVIATION EXAM (important for your progression) :
It is open book, you can use the Study guide here :
Also, here is a review of all the level 4 content to help you remember:
Last week's best score in the aviation exam was Derek Long - 97.78%, great job!
Have a good week!
See you soon!
Take care!