Hello all,
This week, we're coming back to our regular learning activities.

Hello all,
Below is the content for level 1:
Have you ever wondered how a helicopter is made?
In this week’s challenge we will discover everything related to the manufacturing of a helicopter!
Step 1: Watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m92DqZzqAHU
Step 2: Try the Quizziz here! quizizz.com/join?gc=7360592
Let’s see who will win this week’s challenge. Good luck to all!
PS. Are you interested in tactical helicopters like the ones our affiliate unit 438 squadron is using? Watch this cool video: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=10155230567136237
Here is this week's level capsule:
This week will cover ranks from other elements! Ever wondered what a certain rank from a Sea or Army cadet is called? You will have the opportunity to know more about that as well as have fun learning with a secret activity included!
Check out this amazing PowerPoint before attempting the quiz (Link for the quiz is included in the PowerPoint):
Make sure to write your name, level, and flight before attempting this quiz. There are unlimited attempts so no need to write your name in 36 different ways.
The deadline is before next Wednesday, May 20, 2020.
Hey level three cadet, the moment that you' ve been waiting for has finally arrived! Your aviation exam! You must receive your study guide by instagram / email. If you have not received it, please write me an email: jkctam@338squadron.ca Here are some rules for this exam. 1) You must write your real name (so I can identify you) 2) The duration of this examination is 45 min. 3) This is an open book exam. Here is the link for this exam : https://www.proprofs.com/quiz-school/story.php?title=mjcwnda1ngaply
Hey level 4 cadets!
With the final parade approaching May 23rd, I thought it would be cool to look at the different parade procedures:
Have a look at the interactive presentation I built for you here (click below) :
Also, take a few minutes to watch last year's drill team performance in the competitions to understand more how to behave as a flight commander : https://www.facebook.com/thornton.yuen/videos/1127046477498330/
The team won! So it's a great example!
DON'T FORGET TO TAKE THE AVIATION EXAM (important for your progression) :
It is open book, you can use the Study guide here :
Also, here is a review of all the level 4 content to help you remember:
Next week's best score in the aviation exam was Sgt Helen Lan - 97.92%, great job!
Have a good week!
Have a great week cadets, see you soon!
Take care!