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Congratulations to our 34 cadets who registered for the November 24th La GUIGNOLÉE BROSSARD. Only officially registered cadets can take part to this community service activity. It is important that registered cadets fulfills their commitment for this community service. Cadets not showing up will be assigned with an absence in Fortress.

The dress for this event is full uniform with Shirt and Tie. Cadet blue winter jacket, gloves and Toque is mandatory. The wedge must be replaced by the toque for this event.

Cadets must report to Antoine Brossard High School at 10:00 with a cold lunch. The event should be finished by 14:30.

  1. Bourakna Reda

  2. Cai Andy

  3. Chen Jason

  4. Chen Victor

  5. Chiu Meggie

  6. Deng Kaien

  7. Dong Calvin

  8. El alaoui Arwa

  9. Grigoras Philip

  10. Huang David

  11. Huang Max Chen

  12. Li Ricky

  13. Li Yannick

  14. Liang Shirley

  15. Lucas Li

  16. Luo Carson

  17. Nguyen Tristan

  18. Pang Léna

  19. Peng Dominic

  20. Perdomo Lozada Diego Alejandro

  21. Perdomo Lozada Laura Sofia

  22. PetrieThomas Alexandre

  23. St-Cyr David

  24. St-Cyr Simon

  25. Taoufik Mohamed

  26. Tchakounte Nsangou Perry Dylan

  27. Wang Danyang

  28. Yang Ruihan

  29. YeSherry

  30. Zhang Chelsea

  31. Zhang Lawrence

  32. ZhangMichael

  33. Zhong Davis

  34. Zhou Jason

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