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The following cadets must come to Marie Victorin community center tonight (Wednesday) with one of their parents between 19:00 and 21:00 to collect their L'auto cadets tickets booklets. Parents must bring a cheque for the guarantee deposit.

  • El Bashtaly Anas

  • Ghoreishi Rayan

  • Kalbarczyk Antoni

  • Kuetcheu Teffo Aubin Christian

  • Zou Haodong Michael

2. The following cadets have not yet turn it their 4 booklets of sold l'Auto cadet tickets. Those cadets MUST come to Marie Victorin Community center tonight (Wednesday) between 19:00 and 21:00 to turn in the money and sold ticket tabs of at least 4 booklets:

  1. Al-Khairi Lara

  2. Atia Piere

  3. Ba Jingyi

  4. Ben SalahAnass

  5. Cai Lucia

  6. Carrillo Hayden-Arturo

  7. Chang Andy

  8. Chang Denise

  9. Chang Lulu

  10. Chouinard Sabrina

  11. Cuba Canales Darlyn

  12. Dong Calvin

  13. Du Lightning Yue

  14. Duran Joseph

  15. El Alaoui Arwa

  16. Fossi Talom Ivan Léon

  17. Guan Steven

  18. Huang Zi Feng

  19. Jiang Ying

  20. Kamalan Sir Adoh Christ Nathan

  21. Kravchenko Mykola

  22. Li Vito

  23. Lin Cynthia

  24. Liu Elly

  25. LiuRong Hao

  26. Madsen Isaac

  27. Mathur Prem

  28. Morozova Yuliia

  29. Moustafa Hossam

  30. Ng Youn Chen Megan

  31. Perdomo Lozada Diego Alejandra ShiLéonard

  32. Shi Roger

  33. Tamara Bassel

  34. Tamara Youssef

  35. Tawadros Georgina

  36. Tran Thiet Khai

  37. Wan Zihui

  38. Yakymenko Illya

  39. Ye Flora

  40. Yu Caitlin

  41. Yu Mia

  42. Yung Patrick

  43. Zhang Chelsea

  44. Zhang Gary

  45. Zhang Yuwen

  46. Zhao Alyssa

  47. Zhao Can Yang

  48. Zhao Lily

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