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Here is the final list of cadets who registered for our optional activities. Except for Biathlon, all activities will start on Sunday October 6, 2019. Except for drill team, all optional activities will be take place at Marie Victorin Community Center.

Biathlon/Sports Sun 13:00-16:30 (will start at a later date)

  1. Jiang ying

Effective speaking Sun 08:30-12:00

  1. Benedetti Giancarlo

  2. Cai Lucia

  3. Chen Hena

  4. Dong Calvin

  5. Liu Chen Kiow Olivia

  6. Moustafa Hossam

  7. Wang Seanna

  8. Zhao Ziyue

Flight scholarship ground school Wed 19:00 - 21:00

  1. Alcaraz

  2. kyarah

  3. bachkangi

  4. Eleny

  5. Benedetti

  6. Giancarlo

  7. Liu Chen Kiow

  8. Stephanie

  9. Moreno Suárez

  10. Sergio Andres

  11. Moustafa

  12. Hossam

  13. St-Cyr

  14. Simon

  15. Tawadros

  16. George

  17. ye

  18. sherry

  19. Zhang

  20. Jin Wei

Intro to Aerospace Sun 13:00-16:30

  1. Al-Khairy Lara

  2. Bendahmane Sophia

  3. Kung Tsz Fung Mike

  4. Chiang Hsing Cheng Max

  5. Hiscock William

  6. Wang Junlin

  7. XU Huayian

Marksmanship Sun 08:30-12:00

  1. Aasem Yanis

  2. Antalis Nikolaos

  3. Chen Jason Wen Jun

  4. Chen Victor wen xi

  5. ChenYing Zhu

  6. Chiang Hsing Cheng Max

  7. Deng Kevin

  8. Espinal Sophia

  9. Gao Jennifer

  10. Golovka Gabriel Rodolphe

  11. Huang David

  12. Jin Chuyan

  13. Khare Aradhya

  14. Kravchenko Mykola

  15. Kung Tsz Fung Mike

  16. Li Lucas

  17. Li Ricky

  18. Li Simon

  19. Li-Shen Melissa

  20. Liang Shirley

  21. Luo Carson

  22. Moreno Suarez Sergio Andrés

  23. Morozova Yuliia

  24. Mustafayeva Tarana

  25. Ng Amelie

  26. Ng Emelie

  27. Ng Youn Chen Megan

  28. Peng dominic

  29. Perdomo Lozada Laura Sofia

  30. Petrie Thomas

  31. St-Cyr David

  32. Tang weilun

  33. TAOUFIK Mohamed

  34. Théau Alistair-Raphaël

  35. Trujillo Moya Fernando Alberto

  36. Wang Irina

  37. Wang Seanna

  38. Wen Ella

  39. Yakymenko Illya


  41. Zeng Emily

  42. Zhang Jin Wei

  43. Zhang Lawrence

  44. Zhong Davis

  45. Zhu Yijie

  46. Zu Daniel Haipei

Military band Sun 08:30-12:00

  1. Alcaraz Shirley

  2. bachkangi Eleny

  3. bachkangi gabriel

  4. Bendahmane Sophia

  5. Chiu Emily

  6. Chiu Meggie

  7. Gao Jennifer

  8. Gosselin Mykevin

  9. Li-Shen Melissa

  10. liu Yi chen

  11. Lu Emily

  12. Ma Clarissa

  13. Ng Theodoric

  14. Tian Kevin

  15. Xie Ivan

  16. Xie Nicole

  17. Zhao Xinlan

Military Drill Team Sun 13:00 - 16:00 Ste-Claire Elementary School

  1. Chang Andy

  2. Chang Denise

  3. Dong Calvin

  4. Li Ricky

  5. Li Vito

  6. Mbatkam Audra Nerys Shanesia

  7. Mo Kai Shi

  8. ye sherry

  9. Yung Patrick

  10. Zhang Gary

  11. Zhao Guang hui

Self Defence Taekwon-Do Sun 13:30-15:00

  1. alcaraz joel

  2. Chen Jason Wen Jun

  3. Chen Victor wen xi

  4. Jin Chuyan

  5. Li Simon

  6. Liang Shirley

  7. Liu Chen Kiow Olivia

  8. Liu Chen Kiow Stephanie


  10. Zhao Xinlan

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