Please find attached the list of cadets who confirmed their participation to our 2nd l'Auto Cadets sales blitz.
All participants and parents who confirmed their availability to transport the cadets during the day have to report to Marie Victorin Community Center on October 5th à 09:00.
Bring a cold lunch and the dress is full uniform. Consider wearing your dress uniform over coat.
Bachkangi Eleny
Bachkangi Gabriel
Bendahmane Sophia
Benedetti Giancarlo
Cai Andy
Chen Hena
Chiu Emily
ChoSu Bin
Chung Mui Cheung Henna
Deng Kaien
Du Lightning
El Alaoui Arwa
Fang Zoe
Golovka Gabriel
Huang David
Jiang Ying
Jin Chuyan
Li Lucas
Li-shen Melissa
Liang Shirley
Liu Rong Hao
Long Derek
Lou Cathy
Lu Emily
Luo Carson
Mathur Prem
Mbatkam Audra Nerys Shanesia
Meng Jiayin
Mo Kai Shi
Ng Youn Chen Megan
St-Cyr David
St-Cyr Simon
Tan Yue
Tchakounte Nsangou Perry Dylan
Tian Kevin
Torres Bejarano Ana Sofía
Wang Danyang
Wang Junlin
Wang Seanna
Wu Zheng
Xie Ivan
Xie Nicole
Yang Ruihan
Ye Sherry
Zeng Emily
Zhang Chelsea
Zhang Jin Wei
Zhang Lawrence
Zhang Michael
Zhang Pearl
Zhao Guang Hui
ZHAO Ziyue
zhou jason
Zhu Yijie
Zhu Yijun
Zu Daniel haipei
The parents of the following cadets have confirmed they will be transporting a group of 4 cadets each.
Considering the number of cadets who registered we need a minimum of 15 cars.
Bendahmane Sophia
Chiu Emily
El alaoui Arwa
Golovka Gabriel
Liu Rong Hao
Lou Cathy
Mbatkam Audra Nerys Shanesia
St-Cyr Simon
Tan Yue
Torres Bejarano Ana Sofía
Zhou Jason
Zhu Yijie