Parents / cadets of level 1 and level 2,
As part of the Air Cadet mandatory / complementary program, level 1 and level 2 cadets are expected to participate to a visit at the Montreal Science Center on Saturday February 16, 2019.
We need to order transportation and reserve entry tickets for each participating cadet. As of today, only 28 out of 70 level 1 and 2 cadets have signed up on the squadron's web site to confirm whether or not they will attend. It is imperative that EACH level 1 / level 2 cadet goes on the squadron's web site to indicate if they will be present or not.
The following cadets have NOT YET confirmed whether or not they will attend this special activity. They MUST go on the web site and confirm their attendance no later than 12:00 Friday January 8, 2019.
Last Name First name
Aasem Yanis 1
Bachkangi Gabriel1
Benedetti Giancarlo1
Cai Andy1
Chan Elim Yung En1
Chiang Hsing Cheng1
Cho Su Bin1
Deng Kevin1
Dong Calvin1
Du Lightning Yue1
Huang David1
Kung Tsz Fung Mike1
Li Lucas1
Li Sherry1
Li Simon1
Li Wen Bin1
Li-Shen Melissa1
Liu Rong Hao1
Luo Carson1
Ma Clarissa1
Nguyen Tristan1
Nguyen Van Dia Lap1
Oliverio Ella1
Shi Leonard1
Su Vincent1
Tang Wei Lun1
Théau Alistair1
Wang Xixi1
Wei Sophia1
Wilson Victoria1
Wu Alessandra1
Yang Rui Han1
Yin James1
Yu Catlin1
Zhang Chelsea1
Zhang Lawrence1
Zhang Michael1
Zhao Zi Yue1
Zhong Davis Haohao1
Last Name First name
Atia Lamair2
Chen Hena2
Chiu Meggie2
Fang Zoé2
Ghoreishi Rayan2
Guan Steven2
Hal Houssine Amir2
Hiscock William2
Jiang Jack2
Lavigne Julie2
Le Andy-Bao2
Li Ricky2
Liu Elly2
Liu Yi Chen2
Lu Emily2
Moulla Ryan2
Pang Léna2
Peng Dominic2
Pierro Kim-Ly2
Tamara Bassel2
Tchassem Loudjom Marlyne Myriam2
Tran Ngoc Thao Nguyen2
Trujillo Moya Fernando Alberto2
Wang Kevin2
Wu Giulia2
Xie Nicole2
Ye Jacky2
Zhang David2
Zhao Alyssa2
Zhao Guang Hui2