We will be conducting a NECPC Physical fitness assessment for those cadets who did not yet completed it yet or who would like to re-test to obtain a higher qualification. The evaluation will take place at Marie Victorin Community Center on Sunday January 20, 2019 from 13:00 to 16:30.
Taking the Cadet Fitness Assessment is essential for passing your level but also to be eligible for promotion to complete your NECPC evaluation at least once a year. The dress for this activity is sports dress with running shoes.
Our records show that the following cadets do not have a valid physical fitness evaluation for this year and consequently are required to be present on January 20, 2019:
Aasem, Yanis
Alfahad, Jacob Mahmoud
Bachkangi, Gabriel
Ben Salah, Anass
Chen, Hena
Chiang, Hsing Chen
Deng, Kevin
Espinal, Sophia Elem
Hal Houssine, Amir
Jaouhari, Ziad-Aiman
Khara, Aradhya
Kravchenko, Mykola
Kuang, Jason
Li, Wen Bin
Li-Shen, Melissa
Liu, Rong Hao
Luger, Logan
Oliverio, Ella
Peng, Dominic
Rodriguez Torres, Luis Alejandro
Shi, Leonard
Tamara, Bassel
Tang, Wei Lun
Wang, Xixi
Wilson, Victoria
Yakymenko, Illya
Yang, Rui Han
Ye, Sherry
Zhang, Gary
Zhang, Lawrence
Zhao, Guang Hui