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Here is the list of cadets who registered for the Self-Defense Taekwon-do activity.

Last name First name

  1. BENEDETTI Giancarlo

  2. BLANCHETTE Nathanael

  3. Carreño Daniel

  4. CHEN Hena

  5. Chiang Hsing Cheng

  6. CUBA CANALES Darlyn

  7. KHARE Aradhya

  8. LI-SHEN Melissa

  9. LIU Rong Hao

  10. NGUYEN Thi Y Loi

  11. NGUYEN Van Gia Lap

  12. SU Vincent

  13. TANG Wei Lun

  14. ZHANG Michael

  15. ZHAO Guang Hui

  16. ZHONG Davis

As a reminder, here is the information about the activity:

Start of the activity: November 4, 2018

Group A schedule: 13:30 - 14:30

Group B schedule: 14:30 - 15:30

We recorded the cadet's preference for session A or B but the session selection will be finalized and communicated to cadets on Friday Nov 3, 2018.

Session dates for which the registered cadet must be present:

  • Nov 4, 18, 25

  • Dec: 2, 16

  • Jan 13, 20, 27

  • Feb: 3, 10, 17

  • Mar: 17, 24

  • Apr: 7, 14

Note: As we explained before, the activity is free of charge but we would like to remind you that by signing up the cadets have confirmed their commitment to attend all 15 sessions scheduled for this activity. A $20.00 fine will be applied for each absence and after three absences, your privilege to attend the activity will be revoked.

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