We now have a total of 86 cadets who have confirmed their attendance to the Field Training Exercise that will take at the Farnham military garrison. Your senior cadets have planned a whole bunch of really cool activities that will allow you to work as a team, make new friends and face some interesting challenges to be solved as a team.
You will find below the list of all cadets who have confirmed their attendance. We ordered food, lodging and transportation accordingly. It is essential that you show up and not cancel your participation at the last minute. Those who cancell their participation will be charged the associated amount for food, transportation and lodging.
Thank you for your cooperation and we sure hope to see you all in great shape for this very exciting week end activity.
Alfahad Jacob-Mahmoud
Antalis Nikolas
Benedetti Giancarlo
Blanchette Nathanael
Blanchette Noah
Cai Andy
Carreño Daniel
carrillo hayden
Chan Elim Yung en
Chang Denise
Chen Hena
Chiang hsing cheng (Max)
Chiu Emily
Chiu Meggie
Cho Su Bin
Chung Henna
Cuba Canales Darlyn
Dong Calvin
Du Lightning
duran joseph
Hal Houssine Amir
Hogue William
Hu Gavin
Huang David
Huang Max Chen
Jerebtov Alexandru
Khare Aradhya
Kravchenko Mykola
Kuang Jason
Le Andy-Bao
Li Lucas
Li Ricky
Li Sherry
Li Vito
Li Wen Bin Andrew
Liu Rong Hao
Liu Yi Chen
Lu Emily
Luger Logan
Luo Carson
Ma Andrew
Ma Clarissa
Madsen Isaac
Mbatkam Audra
Moulla Ryan
Moustafa Hossam
MOVVA Anirudh
Nguyen Tristan
Nguyen Van Gia Lap
Nguyen Y Loi
Pang Lena
Peng Dominic
Song Yi Fan
St-Cyr Simon
Su Vincent
Suarez Bastardo José Gabriel
Tang Weilun
Tchassem Loudjom Marlyne Myriam
Tian Kevin
Tran Ngoc An
Trujillo Moya Fernando Alberto
Wang Danyang
Wang Kevin
Wang Xixi
Wu Alessandra
Wu Bill Tong
Wu Giulia
Xie Nicole
Xuan Meng Xiang
Yakymenko Dmytro
Yakymenko Illya
Yang Jonathan
Yang Rui Han
Ye jacky
Ye sherry
Yuen Thornton
Yung Patrick
Zhang Chelsea
Zhang David
Zhang Gary
Zhang Jin Wei
Zhang Michael
Zhao Alyssa
ZHAO Guang Hui
Zhong Davis