Many of our cadets have already sold complete booklets of 12 tickets and this is fantastic!
When a cadet has a complete booklet sold he/she must bring back the money and sold tickets coupons to the sponsoring committee members on Wednesday nights at Marie Victorin Community center between 19:00 and 21:00 or on Friday nights at Antoine Brossard High School at the end fo the final parade.
It is important that your child brings back his/her sold tickets and money because we are starting to track individual sales record and sales record by flight as well. Top sellers of the squadron and top sellers of their flights will be rewarded.
Make sure your child, sells his tickets and brings it back to the sponsoring committee as soon as he/she has a complete booklet of 12 tickets sold. When he/she is finished with his/her 6 booklets, it is possible to ask for more if he/she wants to run for the top seller of the squadron or of his/her flight.
Do not wait, you can come tonight if you have tickets and money to bring back.