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As of February 5th, 2018 here is the list of cadets who have not yet met their commitment to sell at least 60 L'auto Cadets ticket as well as the number of tickets they still have to sell:

Important reminder:

Those cadets have until Friday February 9th, 2017 to sell ALL their tickets. Bring back the money and ticket tabs at CCMV on Wednesday nights or Antoine Brossard High School. Returning unsold tickets is simply not an option. Cadets who do not sell all their tickets might not be admitted to our optional program activities.

Last name & first name # of Tickets to sell

to reach 60 sold tickets

Atia Lamair 39

Blanchette Nathanaël 24

Bouriel Mohamed Yessine 60

Bouriel Rayan 60

Carrillo Hayden-Arturo 1

Castillo Cuenca Iker Mateo 60

Chung Mui Cheung Henna J. 48

Duran Joseph 7

Florez Campos Juan Miguel 60

Hal Houssine Amir 48

Huang Max Chen 60

Lafrance Raphael 24

Li Vito 60

Lin Cynthia 24

Luger Logan 60

Osmani Rami 12

Ren Xuefei 48

Santana Hernandez Isabella 60

Song Yi Fan 16

Tamara Bassel 42

Tamara Youssef 12

Tian Kevin 41

Wang Danyang 48

Wang Eric 28

Wu Bill Tong 60

Yang Jonathan 60

Ye Flora 60

Yu Jacques 48

Zhang David 60

Zhang Gary 60

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